What is a Temperature Controlled E-cigarette/Vape

Sep 10, 2024

What is a Temperature Controlled E-cigarette/Vape 

You may not be aware, but there was a time when e-cigarettes/vapes were associated with burnt tastes and dry hits - unpleasant throat sensations that made switching away from cigarettes to a smoke-free e-cigarette/vape challenging. Temperature Controlled (TC) e-cigarettes/vapes remedied this and helped to pave the way for more consistently satisfying experiences, without combustion.


This article will dive into how and why e-cigarette/vape temperature control revolutionised the e-cigarette/vape landscape.


First and foremost, a bit of background. With the introduction of temperature control e-cigarettes/vapes, so came a countermeasure to some of its most off-putting problems – burnt taste and dry hits. The unsatisfying sensation of a dry hit can be described as less taste and less vapour than expected. Incidents like this are often the consequence of a dry coil, because when there is insufficient e-liquid, the coil burns instead of vapourising the liquid. An unsatisfying experience that could be a reason why some adult smokers haven’t been able to make the switch away from cigarettes.



So what is e-cigarette/vape temperature control?


That’s where an innovative TC e-cigarette/vape comes into play. What is a TC e-cigarette/vape? A TC e-cigarette/vape is a device that can moderate the maximum temperature of your coil and change the power output accordingly. This prevents your coil from exceeding its temperature limit and burning.

With TC e-cigarettes/vapes, you're likely to get a much better experience, with less hassle. Innovation is driving e-cigarettes/vapes forward every single day and you might be wondering if the e-cigarette/vape you’re thinking of switching to, or that you’re currently using, is up to speed.



Can I temperature control my e-cigarette/vape?


Every e-cigarette/vape is different and temperature control technology is still a relatively new innovation in the last decade. Device specifications can vary by device and brand, so check the device manual or manufacturer guidance for the most accurate information. If you have a TC e-cigarette/vape, you might have a few questions about how to properly use your device and what your temperature control settings should look like.



What temperature should I use?


The best temperature comes down to personal preference, but we suggest starting at a lower temperature and seeing how it feels. Most importantly, we recommend that you do some personal research and take your time. If you don’t find the perfect temperature control e-cigarette/vape settings straight away, continue your research. Trial and error is the best route to finding what suits your personal preference as you make the switch to e-cigarette/vape.



What wattage should I use?


You may need to set the wattage if your TC e-cigarette/vape does not automate it. Just like temperature, perhaps try your device’s wattage on its lowest setting. From here you can change things up and find an appropriate wattage that suits you. The most innovative and up-to-date e-cigarettes/vapes will automate this process, but consult the device manual or manufacturer’s guidance if you're uncertain.



Do coil types and design matter?


The type and design of your e-cigarette/vape coil matters. That’s because certain coils might not work within a temperature controlled e-cigarette/vape. The best practice is to use the device as intended and avoid substituting in other components. It is not recommended to customise your device by yourself or any unauthorised third party. Doing so may affect your devices’ performance. You should always follow the device manual or manufacturer’s instructions.



What is TCR mode?


Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (often referred to as TCR) mode is a feature within TC e-cigarettes/vapes. TCR is a value that defines how much resistance changes as the temperature increases. TCR and TC e-cigarettes/vapes are the same things - TCR is part of what makes temperature control work - and while it might seem complicated to a first-time user, it is possible to use TCR vapes without extensive knowledge on the matter.

When it comes to the best temperature control e-cigarette/vape settings, it’s really a personal preference. We always recommend using your e-cigarette/vape as the manufacturer intends. Temperature control settings can be an important factor in maximizing your e-cigarette/vape experience but why is this? And are there any downsides to TCR e-cigarettes/vapes?



TC Pros


Taste is heavily impacted by the temperature of your e-cigarette/vape coil. Temperature control minimises the chance of any coil-related issues that could affect your experience, namely burnt taste or dry hits. Consequently, TC helps bring out the taste of your chosen e-liquid. But that’s not all.


Broken or damaged coils are often a guilty party when it comes to crackling and popping in e-cigarettes/vapes. These frustrating sounds can be a nuisance to you and those nearby. As e-cigarette/vape temperature control helps protect your device’s coil, the risk of these sounds is reduced. Why not learn more about crackling and popping sounds in vapes? Keeping on top of your device condition can prevent them.


The benefits of TC don’t stop there. Temperature control helps preserve power and this can have a positive impact on your device’s battery. Less strain means that the battery is likely to last longer - meaning you won’t need to replace it as often.


Temperature control prolongs your coil’s life and ensures taste consistency. But are there any problems when it comes to TC e-cigarettes/vapes?



TC Cons


For some, there are downsides to temperature controlled e-cigarettes/vapes. This technology isn’t simple, and it means that you’ll need to invest some time to understand the different types of devices on offer. Not only that but understanding of the different coil types can go a long way in maximising your TC e-cigarette/vape experience. All of this can be awfully confusing to someone who's just switched from cigarettes to e-cigarettes/vapes.


Fortunately, it’s possible to enjoy a temperature controlled e-cigarette/vape without needing experience or expertise. Many e-cigarettes/vapes today automate the process - and we recommend that you find a trusted brand that offers the experience that you want.



Consider Heated Tobacco


Finding a trusted brand can be difficult when there is so much choice. You’re looking for reliability - a device that you can count on. IQOS might just be able to provide that. IQOS heated tobacco utilises innovative HEATCONTROL TECHNOLOGY™, you don’t have to worry about burnt taste or dry hits. It’s not an e-cigarette/vape, so with IQOS heated tobacco there’s no e-liquid, only real tobacco.


The latest chapter in IQOS innovation, the IQOS ILUMA is a stylish, groundbreaking device that utilises SMARTCORE INDUCTION TECHNOLOGY™ to prevent any burnt taste. Discover more about IQOS ILUMA.


The best choice for a smoker or nicotine user is to stop nicotine and tobacco altogether. These alternatives should only be considered for adult smokers or nicotine users who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products.


(Disclaimer: This article is for general information and educational purposes. Some of the information in this article is based on external, third-party sources and we make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity or completeness of such information.)



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