Reasons Why E-Cigarette Battery May Not Work & Troubleshooting banner

Jun 14, 2023

E-Cigarette Or Heated Tobacco Device Battery May Not Work Even When Charged: Common Reasons & How To Troubleshoot

Nowadays there are so many types of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes / e-cigs) and heated tobacco devices, ranging from the disposable to rechargeable ones. To make sure your e-cigarette or heated tobacco device is working properly, it's important to understand how it works and to make sure it's charged up.


If your e-cigarette or heated tobacco device is charged but not working, one quick thing to check is whether the battery is turned on. Sometimes, you need to press the power button a few times to turn it on. Some devices have a light that blinks when you turn the power button on and off.


Also, manufacturer’s guidance should be your go-to solution. Try to check the instructions provided and see if there are any workarounds.


Still, if your e-cigarette or heated tobacco device battery is not working even though it's charged up, there are other troubleshooting methods you could do.



E-Cigarette/Heated Tobacco Device Battery Troubleshooting Methods


1. Connection problems
An interruption in the connection between the battery and the atomizer can be one of the reasons. If you see dirt or e-liquid build-up where they connect, you can try to clean it off gently with a paper towel. If the tank has been tightened too much in the past, you can try to adjust the battery pin so that they connect properly again.


2. Battery overload
If your e-cigarette or heated tobacco device battery has overloaded, it may stop working. Some devices are designed to do this to protect you. If this happens, turn off the device and wait a while before trying again. This might make it work again.


3. Incorrect battery
Always use the battery that was made for your e-cigarette or heated tobacco device (which is the one provided by the manufacturer). Incompatible battery will cause your e-cigarette or heated tobacco device unable to work properly. Make sure you use the right charger too.


4. Battery damage
Like other parts of your e-cigarette or heated tobacco device, the battery can get damaged over time. If it is not built-in, make sure that you follow the instructions from the manufacturer on how to store it safely. It is also critical to note that you must keep it away from water, else it could damage the electric parts and cause a short circuit.


5. Expired battery
If you use your e-cigarette or heated tobacco battery frequently and recharge it often, it may start to deteriorate and eventually stop working for good. This is because the battery has a limited lifespan and can only handle a certain number of charges before it begins to fail.



What If Battery Is Not The Main Culprit?


If you have checked the battery but have found no clue, most likely the battery is not the root cause. Here are some other possible reasons:


1. Atomizer failure
Sometimes the atomizer in your e-cigarette can become loose or get damaged. If this happens, please check if you can get the atomizer replaced. You could refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for details.


2. Coil resistance
The coil is an integral component in most e-cigarettes, so a faulty one will result in problems. Check to make sure the electrical charge can flow through correctly. If the coil is screwed in properly but it still does not work, it could be damaged. Again, you need to check if you could get a replacement for the coil, and do refer to the manufacturer’s guidance for info.


3. Overtightened tank
Some e-cigarettes might have a tank that has been screwed on too tightly. This can cause the vape to malfunction or not work at all. To fix this, you should carefully check the tank if it has been tightened too much.


4. E-liquid leaks
If your e-cigarette tank has been filled with too much e-liquid, it can cause leaks. Get details from the manufacturer's instructions on how to resolve a leak. Don’t forget to also inspect the device and wipe away any excess e-liquid with a paper towel.


5. O-ring
An O-ring is a small rubber ring that is usually placed next to the mechanism that powers the device. Over time, O-rings can wear out and may need to be replaced. Check the manufacturer's instructions to see if your device allows for O-ring replacements.



How To Handle E-Cigarette Or Heated Tobacco Battery With Care?


Taking care of your e-cigarette or heated tobacco battery is crucial to ensuring that your device functions properly and lasts as long as possible. Here are some quick tips on how to take care for your e-cigarette battery:


  • Proper charging: Only use the charger provided with your device, charge it somewhere appropriate and do not overcharge your battery. Always follows the manufacturer's guidance. Also, try not to let it unused for long periods. it regularly and not let it sit unused for long periods so that the battery can work at its best.
  • Avoid extreme temperatures: Do not expose your battery to extreme heat or cold. Keep it in a moderate temperature environment.
  • Proper storage: Store your battery in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight or any source of heat. Remember to keep it clean by wiping it with a dry cloth regularly to remove any dirt or debris.


If a battery cannot be replaced anymore, remember to dispose of it properly as one of the safety measures. A damaged battery can cause the device to worsen and should be replaced as soon as possible. Follow manufacturer’s guidance on how to dispose of the battery responsibly.





In a nutshell, careful handling and smart maintenance practices is important to keep your e-cigarette or heated tobacco device working properly. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to clean your device regularly, as this can prevent issues from happening. Pay extra attention to tank cleaning and coil as these components may need to be replaced over time.


In case you are still experiencing problems with your device after taking care of it properly, maybe it is time to consider getting a new one. So, make sure you're taking care of your e-cigarette or heated tobacco device as best as you can so that you can get the most out of your vaping experience. As with any nicotine-containing product, these products are not risk-free and is addictive. The best choice for any smoker is to quit nicotine and tobacco altogether.